Dear Unpublished,
We have decided to pursue our craft and the daily desire to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, so to speak. We’ve taken that insane first step (leap!) and started writing a new or possibly first book. Along the way, we should experience joy, confusion, self-doubt, elation and more doubt, but if we stay dedicated, we can at least feel the accomplishment of finishing what we start (whether it’s total crap or not).
These are simply my random ideas and personal tips to keep myself writing! Please feel free to share your own.
1. Write MORE & read LESS about the realities of new authors getting published. It’s too depressing and you’ll never finish your work in progress.
2. IGNORE the voice in your head that belittles your ego and boosts your self-doubt. LISTEN to the voice that questions specific parts of your writing. If you have questions, your readers may too.
3. Write what you know or write what you love, but at all costs, continue writing and keep in mind why you started writing in the first place.
4. If you started writing to make money, stop now.
5. Don’t let your story intimidate you – find your balance. Let your story breathe and be organic, but never think you don’t have control.
6. Don’t be afraid to write what you don’t know – just do your research and get sensitivity readers if you need them.
7. If you get writer’s block, write about anything. Put words to paper, whatever they are, even if it is that you are completely stuck and can’t write a single word. If you keep putting words in motion, the muse will start speaking again.